China Uncovers Major MI6 Espionage Case Involving Government Officials

According to the official WeChat account of China’s Ministry of State Security, Chinese national security agencies have recently uncovered a major espionage case involving the recruitment of Wang Moumou and his wife Zhou by the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6).

In 2015, Wang applied to participate in a China-UK exchange program to study in the UK. MI6, recognizing the sensitive nature of his position, quickly facilitated the approval of his application. Upon his arrival in the UK, MI6 arranged for special attention to be given to him, including invitations to meals and tours, to understand his weaknesses and interests. Discovering Wang’s strong desire for money, MI6 operatives approached him under the guise of alumni, offering highly paid consulting opportunities. Tempted by the financial incentives, Wang agreed to the paid consulting work.

Initially, the British side introduced the consulting through open research projects, gradually involving Wang in confidential information about China’s central government agencies, with payments significantly higher than typical consulting fees. Although Wang grew suspicious, he continued to provide information due to the substantial financial rewards. After a period of time, MI6 deemed the conditions ripe and revealed their true identity to Wang, requesting his service for the British government in exchange for higher remuneration and safety assurances. Seeking profit, Wang agreed to their demands and completed the espionage formalities. MI6 provided him with professional spy training and instructed him to return to China to gather important intelligence.

Wang’s wife, Zhou, also worked in a critical and sensitive unit. Believing they had secured Wang, MI6 repeatedly pressured him to involve his wife, promising double the payment. Although Wang hesitated, he eventually succumbed to repeated persuasion, financial temptation, and even threats from the British side. With Wang’s strong persuasion, Zhou agreed to gather intelligence for the British. Consequently, both Wang and Zhou became spies for the British.

After meticulous investigation and obtaining solid evidence, Chinese national security agencies took decisive measures to lawfully examine Wang and Zhou, uncovering an important “mole” planted by the British within China. The case is currently under further investigation.

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