China has built as many as 119 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) silos in the desert near Yumen, Gansu Province, according to The Washington Post’s recent quote of a research report from James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (JMCNS) in California based on commercial satellite images.
In response to this incident, Chinese military expert Du Wenlong said in a recent interview with CCTV that this is simply an upgraded version of “Fujian Tulou” incident in 1985.

Du Wenlong said that in 1985, the United States sent the “Berrys” secretly to visit the local characteristic Tulou complex in southern Fujian, confirming that they were not ballistic missile silos, and reporting to the then U.S. President Reagan.
Du Wenlong believes this is a deliberate hype by the United States, and “such hype lacks common sense because the structures are too dense. Obviously, they are wind power bases. Only dense deployment can make full use of wind power… In addition, the DF-41 missiles have wheels and are launched in maneuvering, and it is impossible to place them in a well for fixed launches, so the United States will blush in the end.”
In addition, Xinhua News Agency’s “Reference News” newspaper also expressed the same view on July 6.