Images circulating on the Internet show the Chinese Army equipped with Type 88A main battle tanks and Type 99A main battle tanks, and the Indian Army equipped with T-72M1 main battle tanks and BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles withdrawn almost simultaneously.

It is said that the Type 88A is currently the main combat equipment of the Xinjiang Military Area Command, and its performance is slightly less than that of the T-72M1. However, Type 99A is the most powerful third-generation tank of the PLA, and its performance “overwhelms” the second-generation tanks of the Indian Army. It is also superior to the T-90S, which is in the rear of the Indian army.
The Type 99A is from the 76th Group Army of the PLA Western Theater Command, while the Type 88A of the Xinjiang Military Command are now being replaced with Type 15 light tanks with greater mobility and firepower striking capability.
On February 10, the Chinese Ministry of National Defense announced that according to the consensus reached in the 9th round of ministerial talks between China and India, the front-line troops of the two militaries located on the north and south banks of Lake Pangong started to disengage synchronously in a planned manner on the same day.
India said the Indian and Chinese armies had begun to withdraw armored units from the south bank of Lake Pangong and the operation was also underway to withdraw from the north bank of the lake.
In response to the current situation between China and India, the Chinese military said on January 25 that it will continue to maintain the momentum of dialogue and negotiation and hold the 10th round of minister-level talks as soon as possible.