Recently, China’s CCTV-7 broadcasted military program “National Defense Story”, which narrated a small detail in this year’s Russian “Tank Biathlon 2020” competition, a Type 96B main battle tank driven by the Chinese team had an accident.
During the main gun firing session, the tank missed its target, and then a member of the team suddenly collapsed while getting out of the vehicle to load the gun. The soldier woke back up ten seconds later to continue the match, but the fainting was odd.
Later investigations revealed that the soldier did not suffer from illness or poor physical fitness. The culprit was carbon monoxide.

It turned out that when the main gun of the front tank was firing, the booster fan on the tank failed to work normally, resulting in the smoke cannot be quickly discharged to the outside of the main gun after the gun was fired, and the internal space of the tank body was small, and smoke soon diffused, the carbon monoxide concentration exceeded the standard, which in turn led to the carbon monoxide poisoning of the tank member.

According to military analyst Junwu, China’s technology and equipment of the “collective three defense devices” are mature, and it may have been poor maintenance that led to this accident.